Mechanical ventilation (MV) is necessary for sustaining life among patients experiencing respiratory failure, cardiopulmonary arrest, severe neuromuscular disorders, upper airway obstruction, and those with unprotected airways. While mechanical ventilation can save lives, reduce mortality and lower healthcare costs, breath stacking…
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Longitudinal spine ultrasound with linear array probe Also known as a “spinal tap,” a lumbar puncture is used to diagnose life-threatening diseases, administer medications, and measure intracranial pressure. An estimated 360,000 of these procedures are performed annually in the U.S.…
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Millions of people across the world experience thromboembolic diseases. It is a leading cause of death. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents used to treat these diseases are part of long-term anti-thrombogenic therapy plans. In fact, a wide range of medications have…
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Cirrhosis refers to a medical condition where a patient’s liver is acutely scarred or damaged. It is irreversible and requires treatment to manage the condition and reduce the risk of liver failure. One in 400 adults suffer from liver cirrhosis…
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A lumbar puncture headache often develops after a patient undergoes a lumbar puncture or spinal tap procedure.  Lumbar punctures with CSF analysis are often used to diagnose conditions such as meningitis, encephalitis, leukemia, autoimmune diseases, normal pressure hydrocephalus, benign intracranial…
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Literature on spine ultrasound has grown over the last 22 years. Increased interest has led to updates in the technology used to evaluate spinal and paraspinal regions.  Look at the available evidence with Hospital Procedures Consultants. Latest Updates in Spine…
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There are several airway management techniques for securing airways in situations where the patient’s breathing is compromised. In cases where a difficult airway is anticipated, fiberoptic intubation is the method of choice since it has a high airway management success…
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If patients’ lymphatic systems aren’t working efficiently, they can experience water retention (edema) in various parts of their bodies. Edema commonly occurs when patients have an infection, kidney disease, venous insufficiency, heart failure, or cirrhosis of the liver. This abnormal…
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Pleural effusions occur when excessive fluid such as blood or pus accumulates between the visceral pleura and parietal pleura of the pleural cavity. Evaluating patients for pleural effusions involves certain challenges. However, prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to reduce…
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