Central line insertion can be a complicated process that requires proper training to minimize procedural risks. One of its most important aspects is the proper positioning of the patient during the procedure to ensure safety and success. Patients may also…
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Thoracostomy or the insertion of chest tubes (CTs) is a frequent procedure in clinical practices. After inserting chest tubes in the patient’s pleural cavity, they become a route for administering antibiotics, sclerosing agents, fibrinolytics, and saline.  Meanwhile, indwelling pleural catheters…
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For procedures involving lumbar punctures , sonographically guided lumbar punctures (SGLPs) have a higher propensity of being chosen when dealing with obese patients. This is based on findings of a randomized controlled trial conducted in 2007. The main takeaway from…
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What is conscious sedation? Conscious sedation, also known as procedural sedation, is a common practice in emergency departments for patients undergoing painful or anxiety-provoking procedures.  It is intended as a less invasive method. Generally, those who undergo this type of…
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