Traumatic lumbar puncture (LP) is fairly common and occurs when the needle causes bleeding into the subarachnoid space. Introduction of peripheral red blood cells (RBCs) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) increases CSF protein levels, thereby complicating diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. This…
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Pleural fluid pH is an important measure for determining the clinical management of pleural diseases. For example, a pleural fluid pH <7.2 in patients with suspected pleural infection should mandate the placement of a chest tube. However, pleural fluid pH…
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This meta-analysis examined 58 prospective ED studies that involved diagnostic test accuracy among patients with suspected Non-ST elevation ACS. The meta-analysis found that the following clinical findings predicted excess ACS risk in patients presenting with chest pain: hypotension (systolic blood…
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This population-based cohort study between 2000 and 2012 from the UK’s Health Improvement Network database compared diagnoses between 275,000 adults who had been prescribed corticosteroids and 626,000 who had not been prescribed corticosteroids.  The query was whether corticosteroid recipients had…
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