Among the 53% of patients with negative bronchoalveolar lavage results, alternative explanations for fever and for pulmonary infiltrates were established in 61% and 46%, respectively. Chest x-ray abnormalities, leukocytosis, purulent tracheal aspirate, or fever in a mechanically ventilated patient raise…
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Preface: Nice summary of the changing pathogenic organisms causing severe sepsis.  This summary also displays how improved sepsis recognition and management has decreased mortality from 40% to 28% over the last decade. Mortality decreased from 40% to 28% overall. Although…
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Preface: The SPARCL trial made clinicians wary that high-dose statins may increase the risk of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). This new observational study suggests that continued statin use after ICH appears to improve outcomes. The SPARCL trial (Stroke Prevention through Aggressive Reduction…
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Preface: New study identifies 7 interventions to decrease the 30-day readmission rates.  The most effective interventions involved case workers and Improving patients ability to provide self-care at home. Study design: Meta-analysis. Setting: Forty-seven studies in multiple locations. Synopsis: This study evaluated…
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